Change Free SSL issuer


Change the issuer of the Free SSL certificate.


Name Data Type Status Description
auth-id or sub-auth-id or sub-auth-user Integer Required Authentication parameter
auth-password String Required Authentication parameter
domain-name String Required Domain name you want to change the Free SSL issuer
issuer Integer Required Possible values:
  • 1 - ZeroSSL
  • 2 - Let's Encrypt

Return: Status and description.


When the authentication of API user is not correct, any API request will fail with the following status and statusDescription:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Invalid authentication, incorrect auth-id or auth-password."}

In case the credentials of API sub user are invalid, the following status and statusDescription will be returned:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Invalid authentication, incorrect sub-auth-id, sub-auth-user or auth-password."}

If you have entered an invalid or non-existent domain name, the following status will be returned:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Missing domain-name"}

If the Free SSL certificate is issued already with the authority, the following status will be returned:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"The certificate is already activated with this authority."}

Note: These are example errors in JSON format, if there are missing or wrong parameters, an error will be displayed again.


POST/GET: auth-id=0&auth-password=password&
POST/GET: sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password&

POST/GET: auth-id=0&auth-password=password&
POST/GET: sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password&


Last modified: 2023-10-11
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